Yijuan Wang is an illustrator from China who currently resides in England. She initially graduated in fashion design and pursued further studies at Coventry University, obtaining qualifications in fashion management. Yijuan built her career as a designer with expertise in garment illustration and the creation of fabric patterns. Her primary passion lies in working within the realm of digital art. Asked about what inspires her artistically, she said: “This can come from my everyday experiences, sometimes just a fleeting exchange or observation can be internalised and lead to artistic expression days later. Life on the Street came about after I had missed a late night train, and found myself stranded and alone in an unfamiliar city. At that moment I remembered how the station was when I arrived, bustling and busy, and so very different from the desolate scene late a night. The subject of my composition, I call him Edgar, was invisible by day, but as the crowds left, only he remained; homeless, alone and cold. It got me wondering about his past life, perhaps comfortable until something changed. Standing there alone and scared, I somehow felt a connection with Edgar, and this affected me deeply”. Knowing the real story which inspired this work adds a dimension to my appreciation of it which goes beyond aesthetics. I am drawn to the subject, his plight, and also the artist’s emotional response. The scene draws you in, and I feel something of what Yijuan must have experienced at that moment. Her style is distinctive, and captivating. In this series she uses greys and purples to create a mysterious, almost haunting mood. She is a very talented artist, with great sensitivity, and also an ability to deploy exceptional skills in digital media. We were delighted that Yijuan’s series “Life on the Street” was so well received at On Purple 2023, and as curator it was incredibly rewarding to share her art with our visitors.